Sold a Policy But Not Seeing It On the Dashboard?
Moe avatar
Written by Moe
Updated over a week ago

Did you upload new business policies but can't see the sales metrics on the dashboard or the reports?

This could be due to one of the following reasons:

The tagged lead source is configured to exclude sales metrics

Check to make sure that the lead source used is not configured by the account admin to exclude any sales metrics when you tag that lead source. A perfect example of this is the cancel/rewrite lead source. If this lead source is tagged, the sales metrics for that policy will not be reflected.

To check which lead sources are configured this way, the account admin can go to My Agency then Lead Source.

The policy upload date vs. the binding date (Allstate Only)

AgencyZoom records the sales metrics based on the binding date vs. the upload date. If you uploaded a policy on 1/30/2018, but it was bound on 1/15/2018, the sales metrics for this policy will be recorded under 1/15/2018.

You can change the Date Sold if you would like the sales metrics to show on a particular day.

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