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How to Edit Pipelines

Rearrange stages, delete stages, edit pipeline name & stage name

Megan Stasko avatar
Written by Megan Stasko
Updated over a week ago

**Please note, only AgencyZoom users with Admin permissions will be able to edit pipelines**

To make any edits to a pipeline, start by going to the "My Agency" icon on the left navigation panel and then select "Pipelines" from the list of options.

From there you will see your full list of pipelines.

To edit a pipeline, click on the 3 dots on the right-hand side.

Here is a quick video walking you through the editing steps.

Renaming A Stage / Renaming Pipeline

You can rename any stage by clicking on the pen icon next to the name, then save the change by hitting the green checkmark button.

If you change your mind, you can hit the x to back out.

Additionally, you can click on change the name of the entire pipeline by going to the name on the top left and clicking on the pen icon.

Deleting A Stage

If you need to delete a stage, you can hit the ‘Delete Stage’ button in red on the Stage you’d like to delete. *NOTE: There is no undo for this.

Changing the Order of Pipeline Stages

You can change the order of pipeline stages by hover over a particular stage until you see the 4-arrow symbol. Once that appears you can simply click and drag your stage to the desired location.

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