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System Settings Walkthrough

Dive into AgencyZoom's System Settings

Andrew Kuenning avatar
Written by Andrew Kuenning
Updated over 4 months ago

AgencyZoom's system settings provide a powerful way to customize how your AgencyZoom account functions. That said, there are a lot of system settings you can change. That's why we've created this article. One quick thing before we jump in:

1. If you see two settings and one is indented on the page, it means the setting depends on the one before it. An example would be:

  1. Send Email Lead Alert

    1. Send Email Lead Alert to CSR

In this example, toggling the first setting will change whether the second setting appears.

To start, go to My Agency and click on the System Settings option in the upper right:

Lead: General Settings

  1. Send Lead Email Alert: Send an email to Producers when they are assigned to a lead

    1. Send Lead Email Alert to CSR: Send an email to CSRs when they are assigned to a lead

  2. Leads are visible to all the team members: All members in AgencyZoom can filter their lead lists to view all the leads in the system.

    1. Leads are visible to all the CSRs: If leads are not visible to everyone, you can optionally allow all the CSRs to view all the leads in the system.

  3. Show producer name instead of initials on lead card: AgencyZoom will normally show a circle with initials on the pipeline. If this is turned on, it will show the user's first name and last initial instead.

  4. Automatically renew lead next expiration date: AgencyZoom allows you to store the next expiration date for a lead. If this setting is turned on, AgencyZoom will automatically move the lead's expiration date forward to the following year when it expires. For example, if the expiration date is 11/14/2024, AgencyZoom will update this to 11/14/2025 when it expires. This can be especially important if you base automation on the "Next Expiration Date"

    Quick note here: a separate setting controls if this is 6 or 12 months if the expiration date is related to an Auto Opportunity.

Lead: Lead Transfer (Incoming)

AgencyZoom allows you to send a lead from one AgencyZoom account to another AgencyZoom account. This functionality is not used often, but would allow two agencies or two branches of an agency using separate accounts to easily send a lead to each other. This section controls how those leads are handled when they're received.

  1. Pipeline | Stage: Designate the pipeline and stage these leads should fall into.

  2. Lead Source: Designate the lead source you want to use for transferred leads.

  3. Tags: Automatically apply tags to transferred leads.

  4. Producer: Designate the specific producer that should be assigned to transferred leads

  5. CSR: Designate the specific CSR that should be assigned to transferred leads.

  6. Email Notification: Opt for your agency to receive an email when a lead is transferred

Sales Alerts

  1. New Sales Alert: Send an email internally for each sale added to AgencyZoom

    1. Send Sales Alert to All Staff Members: A dropdown allows you to designate which roles in the agency will receive the email (e.g. producers and managers)

  2. Daily Summary Email: Send an email at the end of the day to provide a recap of the agency's sales and activity for the day. *This email cannot be customized.

    1. Send Summary Email: A dropdown allows you to designate which roles in the agency will receive the email (e.g. producers and managers)

    2. Send Daily Summary Email at: A dropdown that allows you to specify what time this email goes out.

Task Manager

  1. When a task is assigned, send email notification to the assignee: This triggers an email to the assigned individual when a task is created

  2. "Today's Tasks" Email: Triggers an email in the morning to anyone with open tasks that shows their task list

    1. For managers, today's task email will includes everyone's tasks: Opt managers into see all tasks assigned to users in the agency

  3. Task Reminder Email Notification: Sends an email reminder to the assigned user on the day the task is due

    1. Send notification for tasks generated by automation: for tasks that are created by automation, opt into email notifications

  4. Automatically close open tasks when moving a lead to sold: When moving leads to sold, you can opt to auto-close the tasks

Life & Health

This section is only applicable for agencies using the default L&H pipeline in AgencyZoom

  1. Send email notification when a LH lead status changes: Email notifications for a L&H lead status change

  2. Send email notification when a note is added to a LH lead: Provides email notifications for notes being added to an L&H lead.

  3. L&H Notification: email only the person who is credited and the person who is assigned to: Only send notifications to the individuals directly assigned to the lead

  4. Leads are visible to all the team members: Allow all employees to see L&H leads

  5. L&H Metrics and Report. Date used to report number of policy and premium issued: Change the measurement from Issued Date to Appt Date for L&H metrics


By default, AgencyZoom automation goes out Monday-Friday, during business hours. Weekends and holidays are excluded in all cases by default. However, this section allows you to customize how your automation works.

  1. Execute automation steps on business days only: Specifies that automation will only trigger on business days. There is a separate location that lets you set Saturday and/or Sunday as business days.

  2. When defining automation touchpoint, what type of date would you like to use: Allows you to specify whether to use calendar or business days for automation.

    For example, if you receive a lead on Friday and your automation is set for Day 2. Calendar day means the automation is set for Saturday, Business day will trigger the automation on Monday.

  3. For email and text touchpoints to be triggered "Immediately", always trigger regardless it is a work day or not: Automations can trigger "immediately" in certain cases. This setting allows you to trigger emails & texts regardless of your other settings about triggering automation on business days.

  4. For non-email and non-text touchpoints to be triggered "Immediately", always trigger regardless it is a work day or not: This is a similar setting as above but only affects internal automations like task reminders.

  5. Disable automation on holidays: This allows you to disable automation on holidays. This accounts for 1) New Year's Day, 2) Memorial Day, 3) Fourth of July, 4) Labor Day, 5) Thanksgiving Day, and 6) Christmas Day

  6. Exclude the following date from automation: Don't see a day you want to exclude from automation above? You can set specific dates to exclude automation. Another great example is disabling your automation for a few days after a critical weather event.

  7. Send automated emails and texts at (EST): In the case of automations being skipped due to something like a lead coming in after hours, you can specify the time automation should trigger instead.

  8. If the touchpoint is to send text or email, would you like it to be triggered during off-business hours: This allows you to specify that texts and emails can go out after business hours.

  9. Automatic Unenrollment-Leads: If you have texting and/or emails connected, AgencyZoom can see when a lead sends you an email or text. You can use this setting to turn off the automation when the system detects a message. This is good to use to avoid triggering automation for someone who is waiting on a response from you.

  10. Automatic Unenrollment-Onboarding: This is very similar to the above setting, but applies specifically to customers in the "Onboarding" automation sequence. Generally this is not recommended as your Onboarding automation is usually used for welcome letters, review requests, renewal emails, and other touchpoints that you usually wish to trigger regardless of your client's engagement.

  11. Automatic Early Recycle: This is another similar setting as above. In this case, we're referring to leads that have been placed in your "Smart-Cycle". This means AgencyZoom will bring these leads back to your active pipeline if they reach out to you.

    1. Would you like to trigger all the automations for the automatic early recycled leads? Please note, all automation triggered by lead previously will trigger again: For the above setting, imagine a lead texts you after 3 months in smart-cycle. You probably don't want to bring them to the pipeline and trigger an email and text automatically to them. Due to that, it is recommended to leave this set to "No"

  12. Automatically renew policies originated from Agencyzoom: If you don't have a management system integrated to AgencyZoom, you must manage your policies to keep them up to date. Since more policies renew than cancel, you can opt to auto-renew your policies in AgencyZoom instead of manually doing each one.

  13. If a customer has multiple policies, only enroll the highest value policy for retain automation: Optionally you can opt to enroll only the highest value policy into retain automation. Agencies might opt for this to guarantee their customer is only getting automation for their highest value/most important policy.

  14. For retain automation, the touchpoints won't be triggered if the policy has been renewed. However, your AMS might incorrectly indicate that policy has been renewed, as carrier download might have automatically created a renew policy. Would you like to trigger the retain automation for the policy regardless if the triggering date is ahead of the expiration date by certain days: This does not happen often. But if a policy is marked "renewed" in your management system, Retain automation won't get triggered. If you have steps or communication you want to guarantee to trigger regardless of a renewed policy shell, you can turn this setting on to ensure the automation still triggers.

  15. When a lead in smart cycle is recycled back to the lead pipeline, automatically enroll the lead to automation. Please note, all automation triggered by lead previously will trigger again: In AgencyZoom, you often use automation to remove leads from your active pipeline, wait for a time, and put them back through your pipeline. In this caes, you can ensure they are re-enrolled in automation. If this setting is on, automations will re-trigger for the lead when they enter the pipeline again.

  16. If 2 or more policies are sold within a certain timeframe, Agencyzoom can treat the sale as a "single" sale. How many days can be in the timeframe: AgencyZoom has a section of automation that triggers for "Cross-Sold" policies. For example, you could want another task to trigger for any new policies if they were sold 30 days apart. Whether this automation triggers is determined on the timeframe you have set here. By default, AgencyZoom treats multiple policies sold within 14 days as 1 sale. That means the customer will not go through your Cross-Sold automation. If you want to make that timeframe longer or shorter you can change it here.

  17. When sending email or text message to commercial lead/customer, use email address or phone number of: For commercial leads & customers, you will usually direct communication to the email/number listed under the Primary Contact on their profile. You can change this from the default to "The customer itself" if you want that to change to the main lead/customer portion.

  18. When sending email or text message to personal lead/customer, use email address or phone number of: For personal leads & customers, you will usually direct communication to the email/number listed directly on their profile. You can change this from the default to "The Primary Contact" if you want that to change.

  19. When tasks are created automatically, and the individuals assigned are sales producers, would you prefer to allocate the task solely to the primary producer: In the case of leads or customers with both "Primary" and "Other" producers listed, this setting allows you to assign those automated tasks to only the primary assigned producer. If this is untouched, it will assign the task to all the producers listed on a lead/account.

  20. When tasks are created automatically, and the individuals assigned are CSR's, would you prefer to allocate the task solely to the primary CSR: This controls the same use case as the prior setting. In this case, it is specific to CSRs.

Work Schedule

  1. Is Saturday a business day? Specifies if Saturday is treated as a business day

  2. Is Sunday a business day? Specifies if Saturday is treated as a business day

  3. What are your business hours? Specifies the hours your automation should trigger within

  4. Your Timezone: Specify the timezone to use in AgencyZoom for automation and activities

Welcome Packet

  1. Enable Welcome Packet: Allows you to enable the Welcome Packet Feature in AgencyZoom. These are used to create individual packets for customers that include policy docs, coverage checklists, and any other documents you may wish to include.

    1. Include Coverage Checklist in Welcome Packet: This allows you to include a checklist of recommended coverages for the client you're sending a packet too. Setup and customize your coverage list in the My Agency > Minimum Coverage List area of AgencyZoom

    2. Use Industry Standard Form for Cancellation Letter: This allows you to include a Cancellation letter by default in your welcome packets. You can find the template for this under the My Agency > Break-Up Letter area of AgencyZoom

Required Data

  1. This section allows you to define fields that are mandatory when manually inputting data. Please note that the "Customer" tab controls the required fields for both lead and customer inputs.

Unsubscribe Messages

  1. Email Unsubscribe Message: Allows you to modify the Unsubscribe message attached to emails from AgencyZoom. The "[[UNSUBSCRIBE]]" is mandatory and must be included, but other text can be added.

  2. Text Unsubscribe Message: Allows you to modify the Unsubscribe message attached to texts from AgencyZoom. The "[[STOP]]" is mandatory and must be included, but other text can be added.


  1. Show the Notification Banner for New Notifications: Controls whether the popup in the upper right occurs for notifications

  2. Play a Sound for New Notifications: Optionally play a sound when you receive a notification. Ensures you hear the notification even if you're not watching the AgencyZoom page

  3. Incoming Email Notification: Notification when a new email is received

  4. Incoming Text Notification: Notification when a new text is received

  5. Incoming Lead Notification (Zapier/WebLead): Notification when a lead is received from Zapier or a WebLead integration (triggers for the assignee)

  6. Service Request Creation Notification: Notification when a Service Request is assigned to you

  7. New Policy Sales Notification: Notification that a sale is made in the agency

  8. New L&H Policy Sales Notification: Notification when a L&H sale is made. This is only applicable if you use the default L&H pipeline in AgencyZoom

  9. Task Reminder Notification: Triggered when a task is assigned for you

  10. Email Integration Disconnection Notification: Triggered when your Email is disconnected

  11. VOIP integration Disconnection Notification: Triggered when your VOIP is disconnected

  12. AMS integration Disconnection Notification: Triggered when your AMS integration is disconnected

  13. Lead Assignment Notification: Triggered when a lead is assigned to you

  14. Service Request Assignment Notification: Triggered when a Service Request is assigned to you

  15. Unmatched Incoming Service Request Notification: Triggered when a Service Request is received but cannot be matched to a customer

  16. New Meeting Notification: Triggered when a new meeting is created

  17. Lead transfer Notification: Triggered when a lead is transferred to the agency

  18. Note Mentions Notification: Triggered when you are mentioned in a note

  19. Note Reply Notification: Triggered when someone replies to your note


  1. Business Type Focus: Allows you to default Personal or Commercial for leads and customers when you add them

  2. Default Auto policy term length: Sets the default term length between 6 months and 12 months in AgencyZoom for opportunities and policies

  3. Customers are visible to all team members: Sets the system for employees to see all the customers in AgencyZoom

    1. Customers are visible to all the CSR's: If the prior setting is disabled, allows all CSRs to see the customers in the system

  4. For a sold policy, split commission between the producer and the CSR: Allows you to split the sales credit between producers and CSRs.

  5. Revenue visible to all employees: Allows all employees to see revenue calculation and reporting on revenue. If this is off, only Managers with Comp Access can see the revenue.

  6. Automatically create a contact if an incoming email is matched to any lead or customer:

  7. Can non-manager employees view other employees' metrics: Allows non-managers to see reports and dashboard for others

  8. Display all the tags in the pipeline card: AgencyZoom will only display one tag by default, turn this setting on to allow all tags to display on the pipeline and customer page view

  9. For incoming text messages from Customer, assign and send notifications to: Allows you to specify the CSR, Producer, or both to receive notifcations for incoming texts from customers

  10. For incoming text messages from Leads, assign and send notifications to: Allows you to specify the CSR, Producer, or both to receive notifcations for incoming texts from leads

  11. Text messages are visible to all team members regardless if they are the assigned producer/CSR or not: Allows all staff members to filter and view all the text conversations in the agency

    1. Incoming texts from unknown/unmatched telephone numbers are visible to all the team members: When the prior setting is disabled, allows staff members to see the texts from unknown/unmatched phone numbers

  12. If an email matches multiple lead or customer email address on file: In the case of emails being shared across multiple leads/customers (e.g. a property manager for multiple buildings with one email), you can either have the emails auto-attach to all the lead/customer threads. Or you can opt to manually assign the individual threads to the proper account.

  13. If a text matches multiple lead or customer phone number on file: This is the same setting as the prior one. This one handles a common phone number.

  14. By default, automatically turn off text/email unsubscription link when manually sending text/email: When manually sending texts and emails, you're often replying or initiating an expected contact. You can turn off the unsubscribe links as the default in this instance. If this is untouched, the default is for the unsubscribe to stay on.

  15. Do you track commissionable premium: Setting that allows you to use a separate Commissionable Premium field to calculate revenue. e.g. You sell a $1,000 premium but your agency only makes commission on $950 due to state fees.

  16. Is individual calendar visible to all the team members: AgencyZoom displays a calendar with the scheduled tasks and appointments on it. If you have email calendars integrated to AgencyZoom, those appointments are also visible in AgencyZoom. This specifies if your teammates can see individual calendars or only their own.

  17. When a service request is created or reassigned, notify the assignee by email: Triggers an email for service requests when they're assigned or reassigned to someone

  18. When importing leads into Smart Cycle, should the recycle-back dates be counted as business days only: If you are importing leads to smart-cycle, you may wish to specify that they should only be imported on business days since your agency likely does not work Saturday and Sunday

  19. Send email notification for unmatched incoming service request: This sends an email if a a Service Request is received but cannot be matched to a customer

  20. Send email notification to set up sales goal for the next month: This sends an email out to the agency to set up and print their goals for the following month

  21. When a staff member is mentioned in a note, notify them by email: If an individual is mentioned by name on a note, they will receive an email

  22. Automatically apply the related policy's tag(s) when creating a service request: If this is turned off, tags must be manually attached to the Service Request. If it's turned on, AgencyZoom will automatically attach the policy tags to the Service Request.

  23. When someone replies to a note, notify the original note creator by email: This sends an email to the note creator if someone replies to it.

  24. When a customer replies to an email thread on a closed service request, re-open the service request: Customers often reply to old email threads versus sending you a new email. In the case of a customer replying to an old email thread that's related to a Service Request, you can automatically re-open the Service Request.

    1. Enable automation when the service request is re-opened to the first stage in the pipeline: In the case of those Service Requests that are automatically re-opened. You have the option of turning on automation for those requests.

Still have questions? We're here to help! You can start a live chat with our Support Team by clicking the icon in the lower right corner of the screen. Support is available between 9am and 5pm ET, Monday - Friday. (Messages sent outside of those hours will be answered ASAP on the following business day.

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