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Import Book of Business

Import your existing customers

Megan Stasko avatar
Written by Megan Stasko
Updated over 3 weeks ago

If your AMS does not integrate with AgencyZoom, no worries. You can still import your book of business into AgencyZooom Customer section. By doing this, you can filter your book to review and contact upcoming renewals, identify cross sale opportunities, enroll into automation, etc.

How to Import Book of Business

Many programs have some ability to extract data into a format that AgencyZoom can use. The end goal is that you have your BOB saved as a csv to import to AgencyZoom. Some programs are simple to export a list of your clients with the push of a button, where other programs may require you to find a list or report of your clients and copy and paste sections of data. Regardless of your situation, you'll want to extract that data and save it as a csv with at least the name, contact info, policy type, carrier, effective and expiration date. If you do not have those fields, the report will not import.

Step 1) Click "Customers" on the left navigation panel.

Step 2) Click "Actions" on the top right corner and choose "Import Customers"

Step 3) Upload the CSV

Step 4) Complete field mapping and click "Next"

* A message will display stating the import is in progress and you will receive an email once complete. Depending on how much data you are importing, it can take a while.

**As seen when actively importing, available fields are listed below.**

"+ to customer's comments" will create a note on the customer profile. "+ to customer's tags" will add a tag on the customer level. "+ to policy's tags" will add a tag on the policy level.

Customer: account name, AgencyZoom internal ID, annual revenue, birth date, business classification, business entity, CSR, carrier, city, create date, customer type, DBA, effective date, email, expiration date, FEIN number, first name, items, last name, lead source, location, marital status, middle name, NAICS code, nickname, number of employees, original effective date, phone, policy line, policy number, policy status, premium, prior premium, producer, secondary email, secondary phone, sold date, state, street address, street address line 2, total payroll, year business started, years of management experience, zip code

Primary Contact: contact first name, contact last name, contact phone number, contact email address, contact nickname, contact birthday

Secondary Contact: secondary contact first name, secondary contact last name, secondary contact phone number, secondary contact email address, secondary contact nickname, secondary contact birthday

Note: Any custom fields added via MyAgency > Manage Custom Fields will be mappable upon import.

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