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EZLynx Integration

Integrate your EZLynx with AgencyZoom

Megan Stasko avatar
Written by Megan Stasko
Updated over 8 months ago

AgencyZoom's integration with EZLynx is based on two primary features. The first is the ability to import your Book of Business report from EZLynx into AgencyZoom. The second is the ability to automate certain actions through the use of Zapier. We'll talk about both features in this article.

Book of Business Import

To import your book of business, you will start in EZLynx and run the Policy Master report.

Policy Master:

  1. Go to “Reports” and select “All Reports”

  2. Select “Policy Master”

  3. Choose “select all” for all of the following filters EXCEPT “Status” you will choose “Active”

4. For the “Date Select” field, choose “No Date Filter”

5. Click “View Report”

6. Click the download arrow and choose CSV

7. Save the CSV report to your computer.

Upload EZLynx Report into AgencyZoom:

  1. In AgencyZoom, select "My Agency" (gear icon)

  2. From the list of options, select "Integration"

  3. On the Integration landing page, select EZLynx which is listed under the Agency Management System header.

  4. On the next page, select "Upload Policy Master"

  5. The first time you upload the policy master, you will need to go through the Field Mapping section. At a high level, this refers to how EZLynx and AgencyZoom interpret the same data. So if your policy master has a "Standard Auto" policy, you need to map that policy type to the corresponding policy type in AgencyZoom. This ensures your data is consistent between systems.

Once this is complete, you will see your book of business in the "Customers" section within AgencyZoom. Let's talk a bit more about how your data stays up to date in AgencyZoom. Right now, AgencyZoom and EZLynx do not have active communication with each other, so the only way your customers and policies are updated is when you upload a new policy master report to AgencyZoom. You can either continue saving the report from EZLynx and uploading it, or you can take advantage of the "Mail-In" option at the top. You can go to EZLynx and schedule the report to send automatically for you. (More information here!)

Integration Settings

The second step you need to go through is under "Settings".

  • When customers & policies are imported into AgencyZoom, AgencyZoom will look at the term dates to determine whether the customer is a new customer or an existing customer. You have the option to enroll those customers & policies into automation.

  • The first option refers to new users and whether you want them in your "Onboarding Automation". If you have that option on, you can specify if you only want to add them to the Onboarding automation if their policy was issued in the last 1-7 days.

  • Separately, you can add the policy into the Retain Automation if AgencyZoom determines it's an existing customer.

Zapier Integration

To start, you’ll need to create an account with Zapier. You’re allowed 100 tasks/month under their free plan which works for most agencies.

After you’ve created your Zapier account, go to the integrations page within AgencyZoom. Click Zapier and then click on “Show API Key". You’ll need this information in Zapier to connect your Agency Zoom Account.

Next, on the Zapier website, go to "My Apps", search for AgencyZoom and click "Connect"

After you select "Connect", a pop-up window will appear asking for the data in AgencyZoom (API key and API secret). Copy the fields from AgencyZoom into Zapier and click "Yes, Continue". You should now be connected!

Create Your First Zap

To create your first zap, click the “Make a Zap!” button on the top left corner in Zapier.

From here, you'll be able to select AgencyZoom as your app!

Now that you've connected AgencyZoom and EZLynx, a few things to help continue your journey:

1. Go watch Zapier's training! It can be extremely helpful to know this tool beyond this specific integration, especially since you can use it to create your own integrations. Knowing Zapier will give you the opportunity to further customize your AgencyZoom account to suit your needs.

2. Get access to the EZLynx app in Zapier. The EZLynx application within Zapier is not open to every EZLynx user, so please be sure to contact your EZLynx account manager to find out how you can get access and start using it.

3. Go see what's possible with EZLynx and AgencyZoom here.

That's it! You should be in good shape to use the full power of AgencyZoom's and EZLynx's integration.

Still have questions? We're here to help! You can start a live chat with our Support Team by clicking the icon in the lower right corner of the screen. Support is available between 9am and 5pm ET, Monday - Friday. (Messages sent outside of those hours will be answered ASAP on the following business day.)

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